Keys to Breaking Out of Your Shell
“The best things in life are on the other side of terror, on the other side of your maximum fear, are all of the best things in life.” - Will Smith

Choosing to be happy is a decision we are privileged to make every morning. Many people in this world won’t have the privilege of seeing another morning, so don’t waste this blessing! When you wake up, be fired up about your life! Loving yourself enough to see the value that you bring into this world is the first step to breaking out of your shell and becoming the best version of yourself. In order to maximize your performance, it is important to push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Comfort kills productivity. Without the sense of unease that comes from having deadlines and expectations, we tend to give the minimum effort required to get by, thus inherently losing the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things. Maximizing our performance requires a relative state of anxiety – a space where our stress levels are slightly higher than normal, though not yet high enough to impact our productivity. This space is called ‘Optimal Anxiety,’ and it lies just outside the shell of our comfort zone! When we learn to embrace our everyday challenges and choose to see them as valuable lessons and stepping stones that contribute to our end goal, we can become a self-correcting and self-improving machine.
Remind yourself right now: You have greatness within you.
You have the choice to change the direction of your life. You have what it takes to make your dreams a reality and leave behind the legacy you were meant to. Step outside your comfort zone today. Start off your daily tasks with what you dread the most. Learn to love the feeling of being uncomfortable, because it usually means you’re forcing yourself to face your fears.
Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha ©07/03/2017 All Rights Reserved.
Inspired by: Babnit