Women's Health

The Uterus



This is a cross-section of the female uterus! The uterus is one of the most important organs of the female reproductive system. It is a sack that holds a woman’s baby carefully inside her body, until it is time for the child to come out! The muscles of the uterus can contract when a woman has an orgasm, when she menstruates, & also when she goes into labor. By the time a mother is in her third trimester, her uterus will go through a huge overhaul in terms of its original size. From the size of a grapefruit during her first trimester of pregnancy, to the size of a papaya & then watermelon in the 2nd & 3rd trimesters, respectively. Once she nears labor & delivery, her baby will drop into her pelvic area in preparation for birth. After giving birth, a healthy mother’s uterus will gradually shrink back to its original size (before pregnancy). The process through which her uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy position as well as size is referred to as ‘involution.’ It takes about six to eight weeks for the uterus to return to its original size after birth! A woman who has given birth to multiple babies, may undergo this process as many times as she has children! For more, click on the link & [SUBSCRIBE] to our YouTube channel (YouTube.com/medspiration).

Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha © 05/05/2017 All Rights Reserved.


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