This is a high definition view of a woman’s ovaries (look for the off white organs that are pictured in the beginning of this video)! This unique footage from Gold Coast IVF Fertility Center in New York shows an actual egg inside a protective blister of fluid. During ovulation, an egg bursts from the ovary (seen near the end of this video) and travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. Simultaneously, the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) begins to grows thick and rich with blood vessels in order to prepare for the uterus for pregnancy (in hope the egg becomes fertilized)! A healthy adult female body will undergo this cycle each month with the intention to bring a new life into this world. If the egg cell is not fertilized, it undergoes a process called “apoptosis” (programmed cell death) and dies. The endometrium also follows by shedding it’s uppermost mucous layer and discharges it through the vaginal canal along with the egg, giving rise to menstrual bleeding. Since the beginning of time, this process has been responsible for sustaining our entire human species! It is also the reason each one of us once called our mother’s uterus ‘home’ for about nine months of our lives! For more, click on the link and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha ©10/12/2016 All Rights Reserved.
Video Credit: Gold Coast IVF Fertility Center, New York.
This Research on Menstruation was published in the National Library of Medicine.