The Forty-One Most Nutritious Foods on Earth

The CDC Journal: Preventing Chronic Disease puts forth a method for defining and ranking powerhouse foods. They are defined by seventeen nutrients “of public health importance per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Institute of Medicine.” These are potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K.
If you juice fruits and veggies, this is GOLD:
1. Watercress (Score: 100.00)
2. Chinese cabbage (Score: 91.99)
3. Chard (Score: 89.27)
4. Beet green (Score: 87.08)
5. Spinach (Score: 86.43)
6. Chicory (Score: 73.36)
7. Leaf lettuce (Score: 70.73)
8. Parsley (Score: 65.59)
9. Romaine lettuce (Score: 63.48)
10. Collard green (Score: 62.49)
11. Turnip green (Score: 62.12)
12. Mustard green (Score: 61.39)
13. Endive (Score: 60.44)
14. Chive (Score: 54.80)
15. Kale (Score: 49.07)
16. Dandelion green (Score: 46.34)
17. Red pepper (Score: 41.26)
18. Arugula (Score: 37.65)
19. Broccoli (Score: 34.89)
20. Pumpkin (Score: 33.82)
21. Brussels sprout (Score: 32.23)
22. Scallion (Score: 27.35)
23. Kohlrabi (Score: 25.92)
24. Cauliflower (Score: 25.13)
25. Cabbage (Score: 24.51)
26. Carrot (Score: 22.60)
27. Tomato (Score: 20.37)
28. Lemon (Score: 18.72)
29. Iceberg lettuce (Score: 18.28)
30. Strawberry (Score: 17.59)
31. Radish (Score: 16.91)
32. Winter squash (Score: 13.89)
33. Orange (Score: 12.91)
34. Lime (Score: 12.23)
35. Grapefruit (pink/red) (Score: 11.64)
36. Rutabaga (Score: 11.58)
37. Turnip (Score: 11.43)
38. Blackberry (Score: 11.39)
39. Leek (Score: 10.69)
40. Sweet potato (Score: 10.51)
41. Grapefruit (white) (Score: 10.47)