The choices we make each day changes and influences our genes. Our bodies are made up of about fifty trillion cells. Each cell in the body, for example, a skin cell or a liver cell, contains its own complete set of instructions for making us, sort of like a recipe book for the body. This set of instructions is known as our genome which is responsible for synthesizing every part of the human body. Since changing a cell’s environment causes a direct change in cellular response, our mental state and consciousness has the potential to govern and inherently change the way our cells respond to the environment we put them in.
A great example of this phenomenon is exercise; stem cells can differentiate into different types of cells, whether it be muscle, bone, fat, etc. in response to different environmental stimuli. When we exercise regularly, we create an environment that favors bone and muscle growth while also utilizing fat more efficiently for our cells. This means our genes can be made to change their blueprint in accordance to our lifestyle based around our diet, habitat, and habits. By implementing certain changes in our behavior through diet and lifestyle modifications we unlock the potential to turn on the good genes that prevent disease and turn off the oncogenes that promote cancer. Great habits to adopt include eating a diet rich in vegetables, stopping cigarette smoking, learning stress management tactics, becoming mindful of positive emotions and by exercising.
With this in mind, let’s make the intention to commit to the intent of maximize our potential this week!
Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha
©02/26/2018 All Rights Reserved.
Inspired by: Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
Photo spotted on: @beinartgallery
This research on ‘Epigenitics’ was published in the National Library of Medicine.