Keys to Hugging Your Heart
The heart has its own set of around 40,000 neurons, a quantity equal to a small center of the human brain. These neurons are capable of processing information without the help of neurons from the brain. They obtain information from the rest of the body and possess a short-term memory, which can allow them to function
independently of the CNS and remain capable of matching the cardiac output demand of the body. This postulates that the heart may not be merely a vague metaphor for an undefined capacity of emotions; it can be considered an objective cognitive power with intelligence in its own right and an organ of perception that reflects different qualities of our internal state. The heart also holds a supreme position in the human body, as the other organs work as its subordinates. The quality of our thoughts, both positive and negative, influence the heart and inherently the organs in accordance to our chosen internal state. This can partially help to explain why chronic emotions of anger and stress have adverse effects on our heart, organs, and blood vessels; while positive emotions have a positive stimulus on our long-term health. We can transform our heart into an adequate cognitive, physical, and spiritual instrument through re-conditioning our intrinsic motivation / will-power in a direction of optimism, abundance, goal-setting, honest work, and gratitude rather than relying on an external means of sustenance. Such as money, cars, clothes, and social status; which can create additional stress due to their transitory nature / impermanence. Counting our blessings rather than our “worries” can also help create a positive state for the heart.

Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha
©05/25/2018 All Rights Reserved.
Inspired by: Dr. J. Andrew Armour & Dr. Gohar Mushtaq.
This research was published by Armour, J. Andrew, MD, PhD (1994).
Neurocardiology. NY, Oxford University Press & in the National Library of Medicine:
(Article One) (Article Two)