How Your Focus Can Improve Your Evolution
Free will is the ability to decide how we are going to navigate through the lessons of our own evolution. Your mind is the universal mind. The only way to access this universal mind is by focusing on the present moment.
Negative experiences will repeat for as long as they remain useful to you. For example, if something makes you angry, sad, or fearful, you are creating use out of it through an emotional reaction. If we can learn to allow these experiences to move through us without getting stuck to us. By remaining present moment oriented and not dwelling on the past or future, we begin to bless, release, forgive, accept, and love all parts of our lives equally. The focus that we hold in our life determines our reality. We can intend an entirely different life for ourselves once we begin to search for inspiration in every situation. This begins with perceiving life as an experience to be had rather than a problem to be solved. Putting this concept into motion can manifest more opportunity, less stress, and an overall embrace for all lessons that will be contained in your evolution.

Written by: Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha