There is a definite connection between your present moment energy and your body’s ability to heal itself and maintain good health. The human body is the projection of the consciousness of an individual’s imagination. This is the sum total of our belief about ourselves. If an individual changes their belief about themselves. Thus changing the energy that defines their human energy field, they can change the energetic blueprint – for better or for worse – with which their body aligns, as it re-materializes back into form. A great example of this phenomenon is the placebo effect where administration of an inactive substance such as sugar or distilled water, can improve a patient’s condition simply because the person’s mind has the expectation that it will be helpful. Every three days you have new stomach lining; every month you have new skin; every three months you have a new skeleton; every year you have almost an entirely new body. In between these periods of regeneration, your thoughts will play a significant role in the quality of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Thinking positive thoughts about yourself and using self-affirmations are the first step towards a better day and better health.
Written by: Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha