How to Rewire Your Brain to Live Fearlessly
The brain never stops changing. Your potential to improve as a person is literally limitless. The emotion of fear is born in the amygdala, an integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation; our fight or flight instinct. When long lasting fears are not properly
addressed, this unresolved emotional contamination from our past can lead to an increase in stress levels and manifest into physical illnesses. Your reference point from which you define yourself plays one of the biggest rolls in the wiring of your neurochemistry. Whenever we experience the emotions of feeling powerless or fearful, it is because we are in a state of object-referral. In this state, you define yourself through objects, which include people, situations, titles, possessions, and accomplishments. By their very nature, objects change, so as long as your identification is tied to temporary objects or the opinion of others, your life will feel unstable. In contrast, self-referral is identifying with your inner self – the unchanging essence of your spirit. In this state, you have an internal sense of ‘groundedness’ with your emotions regardless of what is happening around you. When you aren’t identified with transient objects or events, the emotion of fear dissolves; there is no compulsion to control and no struggle for approval or external power. As you experience self-referral, you pierce the mask of illusion that creates separation and fragmentation; inherently bringing you to the realization that you are an inextricable part of the field of infinite intelligence.

Inspired by: Dr. Deepak Chopra
Photo credit: @medicaltalks
Written by Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha