Take a close look at this heart. In this present moment, take a second to feel your own heart beating inside of your chest. Hear it and listen to how it’s deep vibration pulses through your entire being, check your pulse on your neck if you can’t feel it. Surely, you are alive! When your mother was four weeks pregnant with you, your heart spontaneously beat for the first time. You had no control over this phenomenon. Your external environments such as the way others treat you and physical problems are one in the same as your heartbeat. You have no control over them; yet they are a part of you just as your heartbeat is a part of you. Our internal and external environments are both two different parts of the same whole. Without your heartbeat, you would cease to exist right now; without our external environment, we would cease to exist as a species. In establishing this connectedness, try to practice trusting the fact that all things – both good and bad – in your life are flowing through you for a purpose greater than yourself. Trust this concept as much as you trust your own heart to beat each second. It is beating after all, isn’t it? We do not have control over our heart beat, we just trust that it will work, the same faith should be applied to our lives!
Photo credit: @medicaltalks
Written by: Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha