How Good Energy Affects Your Heart
Every sustained thought you have in your life has an electromagnetic frequency. If you consider Newton’s Third Law of Motion: “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” you can think of your thoughts as magnetic signals you transmit to the universe, which draws a parallel back to you.
For example, when you begin to think angry thoughts, you start to hear and see anger in everything, attracting a parallel of your thought frequency back into your reality. The heart beats in accordance to your thought frequencies. It generates the largest electromagnetic field produced in the human body; encoded within this field of energy is the emotional frequency you are choosing to tune into. This is part of the reason why the heart races when you are angry and why it works more efficiently during meditation. By shifting our thoughts and consciousness, we change the information that is encoded into the electromagnetic field of the heart. This phenomenon gives rise to the term shifting your vibrational frequency. The way we feel emotionally is directly linked to the way our heart beats and the way our energy reacts with the world. This in part, explains why happiness is linked to infinitely better health and heightened interaction with the world!

“Don’t pursue happiness – create it.”
Written by: Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha