How Forgiveness and Tolerance Can Improve Your Health
Forgiveness is a necessary tool that allows a person to overcome a situation which can otherwise become a major source of stress or depression. Overlooking being mistreated and casting aside resentment allows the body to be cleansed of any external tension, anxiety, and
deep mental anguish. Any amount of negativity we hold in our hearts towards ourselves or another, directly affects our body’s functions. During this time, the body enters ‘fight or flight’ mode sending a surge of adrenaline into our blood circulation. This causes a rise in blood pressure and heart rate as the body literally prepares itself for what it thinks is going to be a real physical altercation. Chronic stress from this sort of resentment contributes to the development of physical disease in the body. Forgiving the one who mistreats you simply means accepting the mistreatment and not identifying with it as your central energy towards that individual. Any time you have a thought of judgement towards the individual who has mistreated you, remind yourself: the worst thing you can think or do to another person, contains truth about yourself and who you are. This perception can aid in detaching from the situation and can teach us to forgive rather than seek revenge. What is incredible is that this concept could bring peace to the human species while also serving as a recipe for better personal health.

Written by: Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha
Photo Credit: Unknown