Take a close look into this eye. In this present moment, close your eyes and imagine the image of a ‘full moon’ in your mind. After that, explore this concept:
when your imagination pictured this image of a full moon – it observed a thought that you willingly placed into your mind. The ‘observer’ (you) that is observing the image of the moon is also the judge of the thoughts that enter and leave your mind each second. Just as you allowed this image of a full moon to enter your mind, you have the same control over all the thoughts that cross your mind throughout the day. You are not the full moon that you pictured, just as you are not all of the thoughts that come into your mind. This exercise can manifest the realization that you have the ability to control your mind and therefore, not be the prisonor of your own thoughts. Just as individuals are seldom conscious to their breathing, most of us neglect the act of consciously observing and selecting our thoughts. Practicing this technique to observe your thoughts and making an effort to maintain a positive mental attitude is the first step towards reducing your stress levels and anxiety. Less stress levels decrease the level of cortisol in your bloodstream which can inherently improve your immune system.
Photo by: @schoolmedical
Written by Student Doctor Navpreet Singh Badesha