
How Alcohol Affects Your Heart Health

In this video we explore the anatomy of a human heart that has failed due to an alcoholic cardiomyopathy. The toxic effects of chronic long-term alcohol abuse led to the abnormal deposition of fat seen on this heart. Enlargement of the cavities and thinning of the walls in both ventricles. Notice the size of the ventricles in the video is also seen. These physical changes on the heart cause a decrease in the force of contractility – rendering the heart unable to pump blood efficiently. Due to a reduction in ejection fraction – the fraction of outbound blood pumped from the heart with each heartbeat – this heart failed to meet the demands of the patient’s body and was eventually replaced by a heart transplant. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy that is most commonly seen in males between the ages of thirty-five to fifty.
Remember to always drink responsibly!
Written by: Student Doctor @navbadesha

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