Four Vegetables That Can Help Your Gains in the Gym
1. Arugula has one of the highest nitrate levels of any leafy green, helping to increase blood flow and therefore enhance performance. It works very well as a pre-workout an hour before activity.
2. Broccoli is extremely healthy and provides benefits directly to your muscles while also preventing muscle loss. High calcium content allows your body to be more efficient in burning fat better and it builds muscle simultaneously. Its high levels of chromium directly assists the growth process in muscles by making sure that muscle tissue takes in and uses more glucose.
3. Watercress, when eaten daily for two months, can have the capability to cut DNA damage to your white blood cells, reducing your risk of cancer and lowering your triglycerides (unhealthy blood fats) by 10 percent.
4. Bok choy is one of the best sources of potassium, which helps build muscle and keep blood pressure low. It is also packed with vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system by increasing white-blood-cell activity and the body’s response to toxins.