
Brainwashing and Battering Failure


Replacing the word ‘failure’ with the word ‘lesson’ in our vocabulary can have a profound impact on the way our brain functions on a daily basis! This is a recommended technique for cleansing the mind and for generating insight and compassion for ourselves (all of which are important in improving the human condition). Our brain has the ability to respond to this change by reorganizing it’s structure, function and connections around a more positive stimulus (this is called neuroplasticity)! So when we condition ourselves to see our failures as life-lessons, we can perceive these incidents as moments that can increase our experience, knowledge, resilience and value! Happiness is not an abstract concept, it is the human capability to guide oneself through tough situations and remain in a state of equilibrium. So the next time force of circumstance upsets your equanimity, lose no time in recovering your self-control and remind yourself that each moment in life can be seen as an opportunity to grow and improve! Habitual recurrence to this harmony will increase your mastery of it. Happy Monday ladies and gentlemen! Let’s make the intention to batter our failures one lesson at a time!


Written by Student Doctor: Navpreet Singh Badesha ©05/29/2017 All Rights Reserved.


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